Actress, NYC, Israel, Serbia

New Music Video Captures the Heart of the Matter
Skope Magazine
“Wesley’s lyrics fit perfectly with Coral’s spirit throughout her hardship".
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Daily Inspiration: Meet Coral Mizrachi
"Acting makes me happy and fulfilled, it’s my calling".
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Meet Coral Mizrachi
Bold Journey
“The deeper you know who you are the better actor you’ll be. ".
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Diverse Actress Broadens Her Horizons
LifeStyle Republic
“The 25-year-old actress was able to concur both theatre and film in two different continents".
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Interview With Coral Mizrachi
Theatre Art Life
“I didn’t expect how different the industries are between different countries".
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The Heroine's Journey of Coral Mizrachi
The Heroine's Journey
"I am sensitive and observant, and I love it. The more I lean more to my emotions and being true to myself, it makes me a better actress and a better person".
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Wonder Woman ft. Coral Mizrachi
Lying for a Living
Lying for a Living is a podcast hosted by Therese Roberts and Madeline Galea, and is the no-bullshit approach to artistry. In the podcast you get a full insight on what it is to be an international actor and artist in the united states, dos and don't, industry talk, and so forth.
I joined the two lovely ladies in episode 10, where we talked about my journey to the states, the craft, and one of my favorite subjects- doctors.
The podcast is available on Spotify, and the podcast app.

Meet Coral Mizrachi
"I used to spend many hours daily worrying about what it meant and how I could improve, but I’ve been working hard to realize that this is part of the job, whatever it will be".
For the full article click here

Coral Mizrachi: Can't Kill Me Now
Art Independent
"In this video we also see a strong, brave, and resilient warrior who reclaims her life as she gets better and stronger".
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Meet Coral Mizrachi | Actress & Singer
Shoutout Atlanta
"When I’m on stage or on set I feel the most alive, and it’s the one thing in my life I won’t be able to live without.".
For the full article click here

Rising Stars: Meet Coral Mizrachi
"When I let go of trying to please the people in charge and focused on storytelling, I was able to be a better actor, a better colleague, and I was happier".
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Wes Aldrich 'Can't Kill Me Now' by Audrey Lane
"A beautiful, stirring and human real-life story, that perfectly encapsulates the title of the track".
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Coral Mizrachi: Authenticity+ Courage
Outer-Stage Magazine
"The little girl who wanted nothing more than to act has grown up and is living out that dream with success and grace".
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Coral Mizrachi: Authenticity + Courage part II
"Ms. Mizrachi is a humble artist who values authenticity in her work. There is no question that her work and her journey will inspire others".
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